Friday, November 6, 2009

The "model" home

I'm really trying to get caught up to where we stand currently today, but I want to catch up on past details first.

One of the builders we met with (but didn't choose to build the house) actually met us in the spring at his house. He had built the house, so it was a good way to show us what he could do. It was beautiful! And a one-story with a walk-out basement level! Not only that, but he ended up putting it on the market this fall!

At one point Christina and I became frustrated with searching for land and checked out a couple of houses...this being one of them as we remembered it from when we saw it in the spring. It had a lot of features we liked, but the main downside is that it was fairly close to I35 just south of could hear the constant "hum" of the cars on the freeway. But we did get to see it again and much of our design is based on our memories of this house. And because of that, I thought I would share it. I'm not sure how long these links will be up, but here is a couple places you can check it out:

Virtual Tour

Listing on

OK, next I'll start to get into the actual plans of our house!

p.s. somebody leave a comment! It's lonely in here talking to myself!